Impressum – Legal Disclosure

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Impressum/Legal Disclosure

The following information is required under EU law:

Company Name: Royal Duck by Auris Lothol e.u.

Address: Felberstraße 124/Top I-II, 1150 Wien, Österreich



Firmebuchnummer: 604064f

Eintragsdatum: 05.05.2023

Rechtsform: Einzelunternehmer

GLN: 911033552498

Geschäftszweige: Erzeugung von kunstgewerblichen Zier. und Schmuckgegenständen

Sitz: Wien

Online Dispute Resolution website of the EU Comission

In order for consumers and traders to resolve a dispute out of court, the European Commission developed the online dispute resolution website:


English disclaimer text translated by Language Boutique.