Austria Comic Con 2024 review

May 31, 2024


Hello lovelies, 

last weekend I went to Austria Comic Con in Wels in Upper Austria. It was way smaller than Vienna Comic con and not really reachable by public transportation especially on Sunday or had hefty waiting times. They had special guests like James Marsters, Ruth Conell and Bai Ling, Cosplayers and Comic artists.

I paid 120€ for two tickets, two chairs and a table of about 120x60cm. A normal entry ticket was about 20€ for a day, 38€ for two days and 112,5€ for the VIP tickets. Definitely not as pricy as Vienna Comic con.

We had booked an appartment and the previous guests had completly trashed it. We therefore got a new hotel which was a bit more expensive but booking would come up for the price difference. The only problem was, that it was way out of the city and there was no good public transportation. Damn. We cancelled our train reservations and went by car instead. Which turned out, was an even better decision as the busses and trains to the convention halls were not sparse on Sunday.

The hotel we stayed in was a small castle but nothing remained of it. The hotel also houses a small train museum and thus the train picture on the wall.

Here the view out of the window. The clouds were so pretty.

And now back to Comicon!

Here is my booth again - my fancy moons and everything else. We could set up the table the night before. I'm always a bit nervous about leaving my items there but there, only covered by a blanket.

Close up of the anime corner.

Here is my look from Friday. The dress is from Ank rouge and it has a little cupcake and chocolate print.

The next day I wore my trusted btssb dress. It's super comfy and I love wearing it for conventions.

Saturday was the best day but it didn't beat Vienna Comic con so I had a lot of time to embroider and finally finish this cherry. It was on my ufo for so long, I think almost a year. But I really like how it turned out and plan on maybe...keeping it?

Selfie time! The bow is actually mounted on the waist but as it's detachable, I added a hairclip to it and now always use it as a big hairbow lol. Nobody knows.

We were so tired and exhausted, after the convention we grabbed some food at mcdonalds and went back to the hotel room.

Hias gifted me this elegant elvish dice set. He did not know that I was tempted to buy it but decided not to. And it was the only thing I wanted at the convention. He is amazing!

Day 2!

Another super comfy dress in Japan. I just love strawberries. It's almost a bit too big for me but that makes it a perfect all-u-can eat dress too.

And of course, another picture behind the booth.

Sunday was even worse financially as there were so few people. We sat around all day long and I had about 5 sells. Oh well, more time for embroidery. It was good I learned from Vienna Comic con and brought all of my stuff along. That's why I could also finally finish a new and darker version of totoro. I use wood glue to glue the felt on the wood and press it with these tiny pink camps. It always looks like an alien spider lol.

View from Comic con on Sunday around 2pm. As I mentioned before, it was really empty. 

And a booth seen from our side. 

And here is the finished totoro. Isn't he a cute boy?
This time we ate something small at the convention and I bought a vegan and a meat siopao and they were 4€. I was so shocked. I sent my mother the picture of them and she was shocked and almost insulted. lol.


Another view where the sellers where. I tried to censor the people's faces but it made them look like in a horror movie. Sorry!

The theme of this convention was Jurassic park and they also had two huge dinosaur costumes and roamed around the hall every 2-3 hours with the Jurassic Park theme playing loudly.

One of the costumes. The other one was in use.

ET picture option! I have never seen the movie and have no association to the movie. I only know that the mars brand earned millions with the movie.

Look how empty it is. Plus, there were so many people carrying those stupid mystery bags.

At least the food corner was almost full. Almost.

I treated Hias to some ice-cream but then gave him my half because I didn't like the flavour. :(

And after the convention we drove two other artists to the train station as their only bus connection would not leave before 7pm and they needed to be at the train station before that. 

Afterwards we headed home, ate dinner at Burger King and then arrived home safely to cuddle our little kitty cats.

My thoughts on Austria Comic con: Compared to Vienna comic con the prices for the booth was cheaper but all in all, including food and gas it made it more expensive. There were way less people than Vienna Comic con and the public transportation to and from the convention hall was terrible. I will therefore not attend Austria comic con again, same for Vienna comic con. It was not worth my time and I know some booths earned even less than I did. 

All the best,


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